Protrade’s 2025 State of Construction Report has revealed a 1.4% decline in new construction apprentices over the last year; this follows a 5% drop from the year before.
The report reveals that interest in construction is waning for a second year in a row, with a 1.4% decrease in new apprentices over the last year. 2023/2024 figures now represent a 14% decline since the 21/22 peak of 26,060 people beginning a construction apprenticeship, demonstrating that the post-Covid uptick in new admissions to the industry was short lived.
While 2023/24’s figures haven’t reached the low levels seen in 2020/21 (19,960), the current numbers are still nowhere near the amount needed to remedy the 250,000 worker shortfall and meet the UK government’s targets.
On a more positive note, the report shows that women now represent over one in ten construction apprenticeships.
Across the UK, 2023/24 saw 2,420 women entering the construction industry (an increase of 7% on the previous year), making it the best year for new female apprentices entering the sector. Women now represent over 10% of the construction apprenticeship intake which is a historic high for the sector, increasing from 9.2% of all apprentices in 2022/23.
However, this rise in female entrants sits against a backdrop of reduced apprenticeship starters amongst male counterparts, with 460 fewer male apprentices joining the sector in 2023/24 from 2022/23’s intake.
The sector saw 1,920 new apprentices from ethnic minority backgrounds, a slight increase (120 pupils) on 2022/23’s intake. The 2023/24 intake also represents a 43% increase in ethnic minorities starting construction apprenticeships compared with five years ago; a year during which only 1,210 new entrants from diverse backgrounds began an apprenticeship in this field.
However, the rate of increase in the number of people from ethnic backgrounds joinng the industry is much slower than in the past two years; comparing this year's 1% increase with increases of 42% and 12% for 2021/22 and 2022/23 respectively.
In terms of regional differences, the north west of England leads the charge with 4,040 new recruits joining the sector in the past year.
This is 23% higher than the runner up region, the south west, that saw 3,280 new starters. South east England ranked third with 3,150 new starters, closely followed by Yorkshire and the Humber (3,050) and the east of England (2,400).
London officially saw the fewest number of new construction apprentices, with only 1,930 people beginning a course between 2023/24. This was closely followed by the east Midlands (1,990), and the north east (2,030).
Last year saw a drop in construction apprenticeship entrants aged 18 and under, with 16 year old apprenticeship numbers dropping by 4% in the past year. The intake also dropped for 17 year olds (2%) and 18 year olds (1%).
That said, 19-24 year olds still make up the highest proportion of new intakes, with 8,310 from this age group entering the sector in the past year. However, this figure represents a decline of 9% since 2021/22.
Des Duddy, Joint Managing Director at Protrade, set out key steps the industry should take to ensure the construction sector boosts apprenticeship numbers: