Builders’ merchants have planted trees in schools with SCA Merchant Services in celebration of FSC® Friday.
Primary and middle schools helped to celebrate the annual FSC® Friday event with SCA and builders’ merchants by planting spruce tree seedlings.
Shipped from SCA’s Bogrundet tree nursery in Sweden, the trees were just some of the 100m seedlings grown by SCA this year.
Participating schools were given a short presentation on forests and wood products before going out to the school grounds to plant the seedlings and learn how to look after them.
Pat Kelly, director of Wood Lane Timber, Hucknell, said: “Forest sustainability through legal and responsible sourcing is vitally important in our industry. It is an honour for my company to be part of the process of teaching a new generation about the importance of reducing our impact on the environment through renewal in a fun and interesting way.
“It also leaves a legacy where, as the trees mature, these children have a story to tell future generations and that is a wonderful thing.”
This is the forth year that SCA has invited merchant customers to join in celebrating certified wood and forests for FSC® Friday. The annual event itself has ran since 2008.