The trees include Oak, Alder and Mountain Ash and they have planted one for every employee at their site in Southowram, West Yorkshire

Since January, Marshalls plc has planted 2,800 trees to celebrate the Queen’s Jubilee. This is part of the Queen’s Green Canopy, a unique tree planting initiative created to mark this historic occasion.

The trees include Oak, Alder and Mountain Ash and they have planted one for every employee  at their site in Southowram, West Yorkshire. Alongside the saplings is a commemorative plinth, which can be seen from the road and a neighbouring public footpath.

Marshalls invited John Marshall to join them at the site last week, to unveil the commemorative plinth and have a look at the planting. John is part of the original Marshalls family and worked for the business for over 40 years, starting in their stores and progressing to chair of the board by the time he retired in 2003.

Chris Harrop OBE, Group Sustainability Director at Marshalls said: “When we read about the Queen’s Green Canopy, we immediately knew we wanted to get involved. The trees will encourage more biodiversity into the area and we hope the local residents and visitors will enjoy watching them grow and develop over the coming years.”