Graham Plumbers’ Merchant has become a British Institute of Kitchen, Bedroom & Bathroom Installation (BiKBBI) Standards Partner.
BiKBBI is a government sanctioned, not-for-profit registered organisation dedicated to improving standards within the industry. The new partnership increases the credibility of Graham’s Elite Installers and also provides its members with further opportunities to promote their businesses through BiKBBI’s own channels.
The Graham’s Elite Installer Scheme already allows plumber to enhance their existing service offering and to promote their business via their local Graham branch, as well as the Graham Bathroom Showroom website. Installers who sign up to the scheme also receive the backing of the company’s team of bathroom experts, have access to a range of supporting materials and can benefit from a rewards program.
Graham is able to offer Elite Installers competitive terms on the products in its showrooms, as well as quick and efficient delivery direct to site.
As a result of the new partnership, plumbers looking to become part of the Elite Installer scheme, or those already on it, will now require an active BiKBBI accreditation. Membership comes with a number of benefits, including business, legal and welfare support.
Speaking on the new partnership, Derek Charge, Bathroom & Showroom Marketing Manager at Graham, commented: “This is a fantastic moment for the Elite Bathroom Installer Scheme and all of its existing and future members. For many years, the scheme has looked to promote the best elements of the plumbing industry, prioritising quality installations and product solutions.
“Now, with the BiKBBI’s support and backing, this intent is truly solidified and we will be able to ensure even greater levels of service to our customers. Likewise, we hope to help those quality tradespeople gain an important edge over more unscrupulous installers who harm the sector.
“While Graham Showrooms will continue to offer the same great service to any installers who do not wish to become members of BiKBBi, they will no longer receive the added benefits or rewards associated with the Elite Installer Scheme.”
Damian Walters, CEO at the BiKBBI, also commented: “We have been working with the team at Graham to understand how best to support the business, its trade and domestic customers. I am delighted that we can work with the team at Graham to support their consumer proposition through independent accreditation of professional installers and providing their customers with an informed choice.
“BiKBBI is committed to supporting businesses to achieve high installation standards and I’m pleased that Graham has decided to work with us on this incredibly important subject.”