Shopping, banking, controlling our home....nowadays it seems everything can be done remotely. So it makes sense that Garador, the UK’s leading garage door manufacturer, is now launching an exciting new range of garage door operators with integrated smart functionality fit for the modern era.
The new range is comprised of three models: GaraMatic 9, GaraMatic 10 and GaraMatic 20.
The new operators give homeowners an automatic garage door that they can control from their smartphone or smart home system. This includes both android and ios devices, as well as smart home devices like Amazon Alexa, Apple Home Kit or Google Home Hub giving you the convenience of operating your Garador garage door from the comfort of your home.
As part of the development in smart functionality for garage doors, Garador has developed BlueSecur, a smartphone app for android and iosdevices. The apps are free and available from both Google Play and the App Store. Find out more about them here:
· BlueSecur for android devices
Garador’s Marketing Manager, Paul Eddleston comments “The BlueSecur app is specifically designed for controlling your GaraMatic Series 4 operator. You can control basic functions such as opening and closing your garage door and turn on the operator light too.”
Paul continues,“The launch of this new Series 4 generation of GaraMatic Operators is an exciting new step forward to complement modern lifestyles.”
Opening or closing your garage door, partially opening it for ventilation; turning on the lighting system; all the functions can be controlled via the BlueSecur app. Security, which includes a built in mechanical lock to prevent forced entry, has been enhanced but additional user keys for the app can be purchased.
The GaraMatic 10 and 20 models have been designed with a built-in Bluetooth receiver to ensure you can control your garage door from your mobile. Importantly, they also include an integral HCP-bus connection so that the garage door can be voice controlled by Amazon’s Alexa and Google’s Home Hub. If required, the Bluetooth received can be switched on and off. The third model in the new Series 4, the GaraMatic 9, is not supplied with a Bluetooth receiver, but one can be purchased as an option and fitted retrospectively.
For those who still like a physical hand held, Garador still include two 4-button micro hand transmitters in the box. Ultra-lightweight and micro in size, it has been ergonomically designed for easy use. The electric operators have also had a makeover, and are now fitted with energy efficient LED lighting which, in standby mode, consumers less than 1 watt of electricity, all helping to reduce energy use and electricity bills.
To find out more about Garador’s new range of GaraMatic electric operators and the BlueSecur smartphone app, please visit www.garador.co.uk