Companies helped raise more than £85,000 in the CRASH Christmas card appeal.
Construction industry charity CRASH has offered heartfelt thanks to the construction companies who helped raise more than £85,000 in the CRASH Christmas card appeal.
Over 80 businesses pledged their support for the 2022 Christmas card appeal, which will help CRASH continue to construct buildings that care for people who have been homeless, and children and adults who need hospice care.
More than ten companies donated over £2,000 each to the appeal, while other companies and publications donated services and expertise to put the appeal into action, including construction marketing agency, CDP who designed the digital e-card donors received.
CRASH helps people who are homeless and sleeping rough - and adults and children who need end of life care in a hospice - by constructing or rebuilding the hospices, shelters and homes that make so much difference to their lives.
During 2022, CRASH has been involved in a range of construction projects across the UK including an upgrade of facilities at Helen and Douglas House, a hospice for children and teenagers in Oxfordshire, and the redevelopment of a rehabilitation house in south east London for those looking to remove themselves from homelessness and addiction.
The charity can only continue this work with the help and generosity of companies within the construction sector, who donate their time, expertise, and money to support CRASH.
Francesca Roberts, Chief Executive, said: “CRASH charity is unique in the help it offers. It was founded by the construction industry and is sustained by the wonderful companies and individuals within it. The success of this year’s appeal demonstrates that when we collaborate, we can achieve great things together.
“The money raised through the appeal will go towards completing projects already under way and projects planned for 2023, as we look to ‘keep the lights on’ for more people around the UK who are in great need.
“I would also like to thank the 17 Corporate Patron companies of CRASH charity who contributed to the appeal, our Corporate Patrons are the beating heart of this charity.”
If you would like your business to be involved with CRASH’s work in 2023, please visit: www.crash.org.uk