The green light was given after Builders' Merchants Federation sought clarification on where construction and manufacturing fits into the new lockdown plan.

Following the Prime Minister's briefing yesterday (4 January 2021), the Builders' Merchants Federation has sought clarification on where construction and manufacturing fits into the new lockdown plan.

In an email sent by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, the BMF has received a National Lockdown Guidance document.

This guidance relates to England only - additional guidance will be issued for Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales in due course. 

Key points include: 

  • Construction can continue to operate as it has been doing. This includes tradespeople working in other people's homes
  • Construction, manufacturing and builder's merchants are all listed as types of economic activity which should continue and for which people can travel to work
  • Estate agents, lettings offices etc related to delivering support for the housing/residential market can continue to open
  • Hotels and other accommodation providers can continue to operate and allow people to stay there for work purposes.

The key message for everyone at this stage is that the situation has not changed in relation to onsite work (or work in merchant branches or product manufacturing facilities). It is office based workers who will see the biggest change, as they will be reverting to the situation in March/April.

The BMF is currently seeking further clarification regarding the exact status of kitchen and bathroom showrooms, and will send out further communication on this specific issue once this has been clarified with BEIS. 

To view the full guidance document please click here.