Deputy Prime Minister's Statement and Green Paper acknowledges more needs to be done following the tragedy.

The Deputy Prime Minister’s statement in response to the Grenfell Tower Inquiry Final Report recommendations reflected an understanding that while the UK construction industry has improved since the tragedy, there is much that remains to be done. 

The Construction Products Association therefore welcomes the Government’s publishing of the Construction Products Reform Green Paper – its ambition, clarity and direction of travel for the construction products sector has been long awaited.

As with the two independent reviews overseen by Dame Judith Hackitt and Morrell/Day, the CPA will work with members and wider industry to provide its full support and response during the Green Paper’s consultation. 

The CPA is already pleased to note in the Paper the recognition and support from Government for its work in developing the Code for Construction Product Information as a positive industry initiative to raise standards in product information and marketing.

A statement added: "The Government’s response and the Green Paper mark another key milestone in a continuing series of reforms to our industry’s culture and practices. 

"The CPA remains committed to learning from this tragedy and helping drive meaningful change, particularly toward eliminating unsafe practices and ensuring that safety and accountability become non-negotiable priorities in the industry."

The National Federation of Roofing Contractors also welcomes the government’s acceptance of all the Grenfell Phase 2 recommendations and urges that action is taken to support all responsible specialist contractors in the delivery of high-quality buildings.

“We commend the government’s commitment to preventing another tragedy like Grenfell,” said James Talman, CEO. “Following the Hackitt Review, we along with other associations, have and continue to support work on demonstrating and improving competency and standards across organisations and occupations in our respective specialist sectors.

"However, procurement practices are too often driven on lowest cost and interpretation of framework requirements, which are not always reflective of the cultural change that the government and all key stakeholders desire. 

“We support the government’s demand of a much tighter regulated construction industry. This must place a much higher emphasis on professional standards across all construction activity, and mutual recognition of professions and skilled trades.

"For example, a qualified designer should stipulate a qualified roofer in a roofing contract. The impact of shoddy and non-compliant workmanship should be rooted out across all homes and buildings across the UK.”