BMF branch operating guidelines video

A video infographic to accompany the document has been created by the trade body

The Builders Merchants Federation has produced a video info-graphic outlining the key elements of the practical advice provided in their Branch Operating Guidelines during Covid-19 document published last week.

Like the full document, the video provides safe operating guidelines for builders’ merchants branch operations while Covid-19 restrictions continue. The guidelines cover five key areas - head/branch office and trade counter environments, customer collections, supplier deliveries, deliveries to construction sites and tool hire.  

The guidelines incorporate Public Health England guidance on social distancing, hygiene and cleaning procedure and are endorsed by the Construction Leadership Council, which has itself published Site Operating Procedures to facilitate safe working on building sites.

John Newcomb, BMF CEO, said: “The safety of merchant staff, suppliers and customers is paramount. The Branch Operating Guidelines in the video and the more detailed document show how risks can be managed with safe systems of work during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

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March 2025