The event raised £7,500 to share between the Federation's charity partners for 2020: Mental Health UK and Samaritans.

Attended by over 280 guests, the event, held in Dunblane last Friday, traditionally celebrates the life and works of the Scottish poet Robert Burns and has become the BMF’s flagship annual event in Scotland. Attracting members from both sides of the Scottish border, it is one of the Federation’s main fundraisers each year. The amount of money collected this year is the highest sum ever raised at the event by a considerable margin.

John Newcomb, BMF CEO, said: “The BMF’s Scottish region organised a terrific event, which goes from strength to strength every year.  It is a hugely enjoyable evening but most importantly it helps us to assist the work of our charity partners.

“Huge thanks to everyone who helped to raise such a fantastic sum to aid the work of Mental Health UK and Samaritans who do so much to promote mental health awareness, to support those affected and to save lives. 

“Our thanks also to our sponsors Velux, Lakes, Marsh Industries, Midland Lead, Miles Smith Insurance Group, Northstone, Talasey and BMN, and to all those who donated prizes to the charity raffle and auction for their generous support.”