As the heating season approaches, Arctic Hayes is urging builders’ merchants across the UK to ensure they are well-stocked with pipe freeze kits.

As the weather turns colder, the demand for heating repairs and maintenance naturally spikes. This is particularly true for tasks that require pipe freezing—an innovative and time-saving technique that allows plumbers to carry out repairs and installations without the need to drain down the entire system. Instead, a section of the pipe is frozen to create a temporary ice plug, enabling work to be carried out with minimal disruption.

Pipe freeze kits offer significant advantages for plumbers, especially when compared to traditional methods of draining and refilling heating systems. One of the most notable benefits is time efficiency. Traditional methods can take several hours, particularly in larger properties, as the entire system needs to be drained and then refilled once the work is completed.

In contrast, pipe freeze kits allow plumbers to isolate a specific section of pipework in just a few minutes. This not only reduces the time spent on-site but also enables plumbers to take on more jobs within a day, thereby increasing their overall productivity and potential earnings.

Another key advantage is cost-effectiveness. By eliminating the need to drain down an entire system, pipe freeze kits reduce the overall cost of the job for the customer. There is no requirement for additional materials, such as new water or antifreeze, and the quicker turnaround time often translates into lower labour costs. This allows plumbers to offer more competitive pricing while still maintaining healthy profit margins.

Minimizing disruption is another significant benefit of using pipe freeze kits. Draining a heating system can be highly disruptive, often necessitating that occupants vacate the premises or endure long periods without heating and hot water. Pipe freeze kits alleviate this issue by allowing work to be carried out on just the affected section of the pipe, leaving the rest of the system operational. This is particularly valuable in both residential and commercial properties where minimising inconvenience is a priority.

By preparing now, merchants can ensure they meet the needs of their customers and help them carry out efficient, cost-effective repairs and installations throughout the colder months.

"As the heating season approaches, plumbers and heating engineers will be preparing for an increase in call-outs. For builders’ merchants, this presents a prime opportunity to support their customers by ensuring that pipe freeze kits are readily available,” says Lee Parsons, CEO of Arctic Hayes, which offers a range of pipe freeze kits.