Aggregate Industries has published a net zero strategy that stems from the business’ sustainability strategy, Building Progress for a Sustainable Future.
The business’ sustainability strategy sets out Aggregate Industries’ vision to become the UK leader of innovative and sustainable building solutions and its ambition to embed sustainability in the future of construction.
In turn, ‘Our Journey to Net Zero’ outlines what the company is already doing and what it intends to do in the future to decarbonise its operations and achieve net zero before 2050.
It identifies five workstreams that will accelerate the journey towards net zero, and provides actions points and commitments for each of Aggregate Industries’ divisions to achieve by 2025. It then captures a series of long-term commitments that go beyond 2025 and form a long-term process of change.
These include:
Kirstin McCarthy, Sustainability Director at Aggregate Industries, said: “We are on a journey to become a net zero business before 2050 and, whilst we have made significant progress to date, there is still much to do to meet our targets and ambitions.
“Our Journey to Net Zero outlines our responsibilities to reduce our carbon footprint as a business and pledges our commitments to support in achieving a sustainable future for our communities, our industry and for the world through tangible and science-based targets. It is intrinsically linked to our sustainability strategy, and will accelerate our transition to net zero, with clear milestones and measurable results along the way.
“We are already leading the way in decarbonising the construction industry through innovation and technical excellence. In the last 12 months, we have launched the industry’s first fully customisable carbon reporting tool, Your Carbon Report, introduced a number of low-carbon products across our divisions, including ECOPlanet, the world’s broadest range of low-carbon cement and the award winning low-carbon green concrete ECOPact Prime AS.
“The actions we have identified up to 2025 and beyond are part of a long-term process of change that will ultimately transform our business and deliver the net-zero future we strive for.”