WARWICK: In a bid to rid the industry of 'cowboys', Baxi Group is heading the campaign to link the checklist completed by Gas Safe registered engineers with an appliance's warranty.

The commissioning checklist is issued through the Benchmark scheme, which is managed by the Heating and Hotwater Industry Council (HHIC).

Benchmark is a nationally recognised quality standard that puts the proof on manufacturers and installers to ensure best practice during the installation, commissioning and servicing of domestic heating and hot water products.

Lee Robinson, Baxi Group's service director and chair of the Benchmark steering committee, explained: "UK boiler manufacturers have agreed that by linking the completion of the Benchmark commissioning checklist to the appliance warranty they are safeguarding consumers against poor quality and illegally operating installers.

"The correctly completed checklist provides evidence that the system has been installed to the manufacturer's instructions, and demonstrates compliance with the Building Regulations by a Gas Safe registered engineer.

"It also ensures the engineer demonstrates the system and its controls to the householder and explains the checklist and service record before leaving it with them.

"Manufacturers are united in supporting the work of the majority of installers, who carry out their work competently and professionally, and will provide training, support and tools like this new checklist to help them," Mr Robinson said.

"We would like to encourage unregistered installers, who are at present working illegally, to get the necessary training, qualifications and skills to be Gas Safe registered as a minimum.

"Our industry is united in sending a clear message that we will no longer carry the cost for poor quality installations carried out by cowboys," he said.

From 1 January 2011, gas engineers will have to fill out the Benchmark checklists on completion for every boiler installation they do. They will have to leave this document with the householder in order for the appliance's warranty to be valid. The checklists are included within the manufacturer's installation instructions.