UK: Gas Safe Register now has more than 121 000 registrations for … 

engineers and 56 500 for businesses – exceeding expectations for the first year in a matter of months.

The numbers also exceed the number of registrations held by the previous register operator at this stage in the registration cycle.

The strong response from those wishing to work legally on gas means the Gas Safe Register has also reached not only those registered with the previous organisation but also those who may have left the industry for a period or have been working illegally.

Peter Eldridge, chief executive of the organisation, said: "It is a strong vote of confidence and suggests that engineers and businesses recognise the importance of being registered.

“Two recent high-profile prosecutions should help to convince people still working illegally that they will get caught.

“Ensuring that all gas work is undertaken by competent and registered engineers will help us in our ultimate aim of making Great Britain and Isle of Man safer places to use gas appliances."

The first two months of the Gas Safe Register has also seen a substantial consumer campaign across a range of media.

Initial results from research undertaken at the recent consumer roadshows indicates around half of respondents are already aware of the change.

"Gas Safe Registered engineers and businesses also have a role to play in speaking to their own customers, ensuring their advertising and signage carries the new branding and making sure everyone knows how important it is to keep Gas Safe.

“The brand belongs to the industry and we all have a responsibility to promote it," Mr Eldridge added.

For more information, see the website