Despite Brexit causing economic uncertainty nationwide, Selco has announced a £30 million investment in its business.
This year, the business will be expanded and its existing infrastructure improved, creating up to 200 jobs. This will include:
• Opening at least two – and up to four – new branches, each creating a minimum of 50 jobs
• Major refurbishments of nine existing branches
• Investment in Selco’s online operations, with the launch of a new click and deliver initiative, offering free delivery on all orders
• Improvements to the company’s London logistics model, leading to an improved delivery service with enhanced availability, more depth of stock and real-time deliveries
• £5 million funding for permanent price-cuts
• Installation of new, modern LED lighting across the network, bringing environmental benefits.
CEO Howard Luft (pictured) said: “It is impossible to watch TV, listen to the radio or read the news headlines without being consumed by Brexit doom and gloom.
“While there may be challenges ahead, at Selco we continue to see a buoyant marketplace and we are taking real, tangible strides towards investment and expansion, creating more jobs across the country.
“These are exciting times for the business. We have enjoyed rapid expansion over the last decade, and we are determined to continue moving forward.”